Services provided by Mimausa
These general terms and conditions apply to CmmV Mimausa, with company number BE0738.456.644, with registered office at Dam 15, 9080 Zaffelare (Belgium).
These general terms and conditions apply to the workshops, programs, courses, coaching and all other activities organized by Mimausa.
Article 1 Invoices and payment terms
1.1 The invoice must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date. Payments after this period automatically and without notice of default charge interest equal to 10%, as well as (also automatically and without notice of default) a fixed compensation of 10% on the invoice amount as a compensation clause. The fixed compensation is a minimum of €50.
For courses and workshops, the full amount of the invoice must be paid, maximum 7 days after registration and minimum 7 days before the start. Otherwise, access may be denied.
1.2 The invoice is always sent digitally.
1.3 Any complaints regarding the invoice must be submitted by registered post and under penalty of forfeiture within 7 days after dispatch of the invoice in question. Otherwise the invoice will be considered accepted.
1.4 If the client is in default and fails to make payment, Mimausa may, without being in default, decide to temporarily suspend all activities with the customer and/or terminate the agreement with the customer with immediate effect.
Article 2 Acceptance of general terms and conditions and privacy statement
Each registration means acceptance by the customer of these general terms and conditions and the privacy statement. These are clearly stated on the website.
Article 3 Guidance of minors
Parental consent is not required for supervision of minors if the child has decision-making capacity. If the child does not have decision-making capacity, parental consent is required as described in Article 12 of the Patient Rights Act. If only one parent gives explicit consent, there is a presumption of consent by the other parent as described in Articles 373 and 374 of the Civil Code.
Article 4 Registration
A registration or order by email or any other written form of communication, including (but not limited to) Facebook or Instagram, effectively counts as a registration or order and entails payment obligations. If a registration does not proceed in accordance with the registration modalities described on https://www.mimausa.be, it will only be final after formal acceptance by Mimausa.
Article 5 Cancellation by the customer
5.1 In the event of cancellation of a workshop, program or other activity for which registration is required in advance, the customer owes 50% of the full amount up to 14 days in advance. If the customer cancels less than 14 days in advance, the customer owes 100% of the full amount.
5.2 In the event of cancellation of an order, any materials or services purchased by Mimausa may be charged in full.
5.3 In the event of cancellation of an individual coaching session, the customer is not liable to pay any amount up to 24 hours in advance. If the customer cancels less than 24 hours in advance, the customer owes 100% of the full amount.
5.4 If the customer does not inform Mimausa of a cancellation, the customer is due 100% of the full amount.
5.5 A cancellation is only valid after receipt from Mimausa.
Article 6 Cancellation by Mimausa
In the event of cancellation by Mimausa, the registration fee already paid will be refunded in full. A workshop can be canceled if there are not enough participants, due to illness, family circumstances or force majeure. The customer cannot claim any form of compensation.
Article 7 Termination
If the customer decides to stop during workshops, programs, courses, coaching or other one- or multi-day activities, the full amount is always due. This applies to everything organized by Mimausa.
Article 8 Online training courses
8.1 The validity period of an online training is always displayed with the product. After this validity period has expired, the customer can no longer derive any rights from the purchase, including displaying the customer on the public part of the website, social media or any other channel.
8.2 All coaching included in the purchase of an online training (in a package formula) must be completed within the duration of the training. Coachings not scheduled by the customer during this period will not be refunded.
8.3 Mimausa always has the right to immediately stop the display or publicity of the customer on the public part of the website, social media or any other channel, without any motivation or notice having to be given.
Article 9 Complaints
9.1 Any complaints about the service must be reported immediately during the workshops, programs, courses, coaching or other activities or by registered letter at the latest within 8 calendar days after the activity.
9.2 The customer must substantiate the complaint in detail and provide the necessary evidence.
9.3 The compensation to which Mimausa may be liable is limited to the total amount paid by the customer for the activity.
Article 10 Liability
10.1. If the customer is under medical supervision (this also includes the mandatory taking of certain medication), the customer must provide explicit permission to participate in coaching or another activity. If the customer is negligent in this regard, no possible liability can subsequently be invoked.
10.2 No Mimausa service is a substitute for any professional therapeutic, psychological, psychiatric or medical assistance or guidance.
10.3 Everything offered by Mimausa is intended to support people in their process of personal growth and development of consciousness. The implementation of this is the customer's own responsibility. Nothing in the offer is intended to replace therapy of any kind.
1.0.4 Mimausa has an obligation of best efforts towards the customer, never an obligation of results. The customer is at all times responsible for his own choices.
10.5 Mimausa's liability is limited to the amount insured under the “professional liability” insurance.
Article 11 Right of refusal
Mimausa always has the option to deny a customer access to a service.
If access is refused after the start of a course, the customer is entitled to a refund of part of the registration fee. This amount corresponds to the unfulfilled part of the trajectory.
Article 12 Intellectual rights
The content of this website is protected by intellectual property rights and belongs to Mimausa or rightful third parties. It is prohibited to use, copy, distribute or reproduce photos, texts or any other content without the express permission of Mimausa.
Article 13 Location
13.1 Mimausa's practice is located at Dam 15, 9080 Zaffelare (Belgium).
13.2 The workshops that take place on location are offered to the customer under the same conditions.
Article 14 Disputes
14.1 In the event of disputes, only the justice of the peace of the canton or the courts of the district of Ghent have jurisdiction, unless the law prescribes otherwise.
14.2 Only Belgian law applies to the activities of Mimausa.